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LGBT HubDonation

LGBT Hub is committed to protecting free speech and refusing to censor your voice. As a result, some ad partners have stopped doing business with us. Your donation, no matter how small, will help us continue to provide a platform for free expression and remain independent of ad partners. God bless America and the 1st Amendment!

0% of monthly goal met

Support free speech.
Help us protect free speech. We will continue to refuse censoring our users voices.

Be a hero for free speech.
Stand with us against big tech censorship.

Keep our app independent.
Help us stay online and independent of ad partners who may try to censor us.

Join our community.
Become a part of our community of supporters who value free speech and the 1st Amendment.

Donations are one-time payments and do not automatically renew. If you want to continue supporting us, you can make another donation at any time. Thank you for your support! ❤️